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Locs should remain light in weight and as clean a possible, Well oiled and smelling good. This 3 in 1 package will do just that. Our shampoo is packed with stimulating herbs, it's is designed to help Ph balance of your hair, tames the itch, kill germs, and remove build up as well as promote hair growth. The Ancient Roots Renewal Hair Growth Serum keeps your Locs moisturized and packed with nutrients, And the Hydrator is a daily leave-in spray to keep your Locs soft and well-maintained.



  • Rose & Calendula Shampoo (16oz)
  • DIY Hair Tea Essential Herbs (enough for 5 bottles)
  • Ancient Roots Renewal Hair Growth Serum (6oz)



This product is handmade in the United States. Ready to ship in 2–3 weeks.

Loc Lovin Therapeutic Blend

  •  Aloe, Lemon, Rosemary, Nettle, and the best oils and herbs

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